Have you ever had a bad manager?
The Best Managers Lead By:
- Connecting
- Engaging
- Motivating
- Showing flexibility
- Being optimistic and having a hopeful vision
- Showing self-actualization (they are confident and invite others to make things happen)
- Trusting – it’s all about the trust
The Worst Managers Lead By:
- Not doing the things in the above list and
- Micromanaging because they don’t trust
Because of the worst manager’s actions, their team probably feels, but doesn’t state, “Slim chance I’m going the extra mile.”
We all have discretionary energy – we spend it where we want to and often, no one knows how we spend it. The worst managers won’t be able to tap into that extra energy because their mindset is more often than not, “What’s the point?”
Inspiring leaders on the other hand, tap into it. The team feels, “We will go the extra mile because we feel good about our leader.” Why is it relevant? It taps into the heart and mind collectively to get things done. Humans are emotional. If you are emotionally aware and intelligent you are more likely to:
- Make better decisions
- Navigate change
- Manage stress
- Get stuff done!
You are able to focus all of your energy on the tasks at hand. Distractions are minimal because any emotional baggage weighing you down is diminished.
Remember the bicycle from last week?
What if you had a list of your own and/or your team’s strengths and improvement areas? You would have an actionable list to:
- build on strengths,
- work on gaps, and a
- prioritized focus for talent development.
Is your development plan for yourself and/or your team prioritized based on skills that will have a direct impact on success in each individual’s current role?
Contact me to discuss….
Tell me in the comments, how is your work impacted by a good manger? Have you ever had a terrible one?