The greatest potential of every team is locked in the capacity to expand. I teach team expansion.
Using my Principles of TEAM Expansion, I work with managers and their teams to create winning, talent-rich cultures. I help expand each individual’s awareness and capacity to understand and motivate people. Leveraging behavioral analytics (DISC), Motivators, Decision-making clarity and Emotional Intelligence, people improve their agility, and increase their own awareness so they know how to work together more effectively. When activated, performance becomes a cultural standard – impacting daily productivity, team efficacy and long-term growth.
“The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for greatness is already there.”
John Buchan
connect with me
The more complex the role, the greater the need for higher self-awareness. Team expansion is about expanding your people’s capacity to understand themselves and others. When you understand people, you can do more than motivate them. You can inspire them…
and inspired people do better work.
Ready to dive deeper into expanding your team? Sign up for my mailing list! I write about expansion and self-awareness weekly(ish).